Most of us yearn to be our authentic selves in our relationships and in our daily lives. What prevents that? Often, negative or conflicting core beliefs can create internal criticism, anxiety and depression. Trauma can cause us to be overly kind, or overly stimulated constantly. Society pressures us to look and act a certain way. Maintaining a job can cause us to act in ways we are uncomfortable with. Many, many features of ourselves and our lives can make living authentically feel out of reach.
If you would like to live more authentically, consider the following:
Who are you? Journal about who you are. List characteristics if you are having trouble starting.
What do you believe to be true of yourself? This is often difficult to come up with a full list without the help of a skilled therapist.
How do you act now, and how do you want to act?
What is keeping you from being and acting who you are or who you want to be?
Simple questions? No. Are we able to do this by ourselves? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. If you find yourself yearning to learn the obstacles that keep you stuck, reach out. Let's do our best to move you forward!
Tammi Imel, MA, LMHC
Owner, Lighted Pathways Therapy
Empowering women to be their authentic selves since 2001.